The library bug had be find by Tongshuai.It's seem because SESSION problem in different CI version.If you got the same trouble,you can try the solution that Tongshuai's comment
The library bug had be find by Tongshuai.It's seem because SESSION problem in different CI version.If you got the same trouble,you can try the solution that Tongshuai's comment
沒錯,他就是驗證圖片產生器這個類別庫源自於 http://www.phpcaptcha.org/整個類別庫只有一個檔案而且相當好使用,所以我就試著把他改成可以放在CI來使用
- 下載Securimage類別庫:http://doublekai.org/files/Securimage_For_CI.zip
- 複製檔案 libraries / Securimage.php 到 application / libraries
- 複製檔案 config / Securimage.php 到 application / config
- 複製目錄 views / fonts 到 application / views
- 複製檔案 controlls / welcome.php 到 application / controlls
- 複製檔案 controlls / image.php 到 application / controlls
- 複製檔案 views / test.html 到 application / views
What's it? see http://www.phpcaptcha.org/captcha-gallery/
The original source from http://www.phpcaptcha.org/.It seems light and simple to use,so I try to fixed it up for CI framework
- Download the Securimage Library from http://doublekai.org/files/Securimage_For_CI.zip
- Copy file libraries / Securimage.php to application / libraries
- Copy file config / Securimage.php to application / config
- Copy dir views / fonts to application / views
if you want to quickstart test
- Copy file controlls / welcome.php to application / controlls
- Copy file controlls / image.php to application / controlls
- Copy file views / test.html to application / views
/********************** * controllers / welcome.php **********************/ class Welcome extends Controller { function Welcome(){ parent::Controller(); $this->load->library('securimage'); $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->helper('html'); } function index(){ $this->load->view('test.html'); } function check(){ $inputCode = $this->input->post('imagecode'); if($this->securimage->check($inputCode) == true){ $data['result'] = '=v= PASS!
'; $this->load->view('test.html',$data); } else { $data['result'] = '/_\ FAILURE
'; $this->load->view('test.html',$data); } } }
/********************** * controllers / image.php **********************/ class Image extends Controller { function Image(){ parent::Controller(); $this->load->library('securimage'); } function securimage(){ $this->securimage->show(); } }
/*************** * 目錄路徑設定 ***************/ //TTF字型的目錄位置 $securimage['ttf_file'] = APPPATH."views/fonts/elephant.ttf"; //自訂文字碼清單 $securimage['wordlist_file'] = APPPATH."words/words.txt"; //使用的GD字型 $securimage['gd_font_file'] = APPPATH."views/fonts/gdfonts/bubblebath.gdf"; //語言檔的路徑 $securimage['audio_path'] = APPPATH."audio"; /*************** * 圖片設定 ***************/ //圖片的寬度 $securimage['image_width'] = 175; //圖片的高度 $securimage['image_height'] = 45; //圖片的類型 //可選用:SI_IMAGE_PNG, SI_IMAGE_JPG, SI_IMAGE_GIF $securimage['image_type'] = SI_IMAGE_PNG; /*************** * 文字設定 ***************/ //文字碼的長度 $securimage['code_length'] = 4; //可選用的文字碼字元(小寫會自動被轉為大寫) $securimage['charset'] = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWYZ23456789'; //啟動自訂文字碼清單模式(取代亂數文字碼的方法) $securimage['use_wordlist'] = false; //啟用GD字型來替代TTF字型 $securimage['use_gd_font'] = false; //GD字型的大小 $securimage['gd_font_size'] = 20; //字型大小 $securimage['font_size'] = 24; //傾斜的最小角度 $securimage['text_angle_minimum'] = -20; //傾斜的最大角度 $securimage['text_angle_maximum'] = 20; //文字碼產生的X軸位置 $securimage['text_x_start'] = 8; //字距的最小程度 $securimage['text_minimum_distance'] = 30; //字距的最大程度 $securimage['text_maximum_distance'] = 30; //背景的顏色 $securimage['image_bg_color']="#e3daed"; //文字碼的顏色 $securimage['text_color']="#000000"; //啟用混合的文字顏色 $securimage['use_multi_text'] = true; //交差使用的文字顏色 $securimage['multi_text_color']="#0a68dd,#f65c47,#8d32fd"; //使用清晰的文字 $securimage['use_transparent_text'] = true; //清晰的程度 $securimage['text_transparency_percentage'] = 15; /*************** * 格線設定 ***************/ //產生網格線 $securimage['draw_lines'] = true; //網格線顏色 $securimage['line_color']="#FFFFFF"; //背景網格大小 $securimage['line_distance'] = 10; //背景網格線的粗線 $securimage['line_thickness'] = 1; //在背景網格上增加交差線 $securimage['draw_angled_lines'] = true; //背景網格線是否蓋過文字 $securimage['draw_lines_over_text'] = true; //是否在文字上增加橫線 $securimage['arc_linethrough'] = false; //橫線的顏色 $securimage['arc_line_colors']="#8080ff";